Implant Pro Track
February 6 - 8, 2025 | September 25-27, 2025
The Implant PRO Track will consist of 3 courses with a comprehensive approach to implant placement. That is, beginning with the end in mind (i.e. planning the prosthetic portion first).
The first course E1 is online. The second and third course E2/E3 is combined in one weekend for your convenience.
Essentials 1: Plan: Online
This course is an introduction to restorations of single-unit implant crowns with emphasis on a team approach to practice integration. Pricing includes doctor and two team members. This course can be taken alone or as part of our 3-course continuum.
Essentials 2 and Essentials 3
Everyone wants predictable implant results with maximum aesthetic appeal. This course will help you introduce hard and soft tissue regeneration into your practice along with simple extraction techniques and immediate implant placement.
Once doctors are comfortable with treatment planning and placing implants, each student will have the opportunity to place final restorations on models. Doctors will be guided through choosing a final restoration, ISQ testing, impression techniques, and optical scanning options. This course will include one day of lecture and one day of hands-on lab.
Financing available. For more info, email to Nick@StanleyInstitute.com